CHC airport applies to ORC to lower environmental hurdles for new airport

It came to our attention earlier this month that Christchurch Airport had lodged a submission with the Otago Regional Council to make significant changes to ORC policy documents, largely to water down environmental protections, allow for biodiversity loss and more easily facilitate a major industrial development at Tarras. The wording was carefully chosen and submitted by their city lawyers. This is far from insignificant. 

What’s disappointing is that this was done by Christchurch Airport completely beneath the radar, yet they claim to be “engaging” with affected communities and being open and transparent. If successful, this move might enable them to push through airport plans which could be irreversible. Thanks to the members who alerted us, and also to Sustainable Tarras for sharing their submission.

On behalf of our members, SCOA made a submission to ORC before the deadline last Friday, opposing the submission made by Christchurch Airport. You can see our submission here.

In the meantime, the best thing you can do is encourage people you know to sign up and add their voice to the over 1,050 people who are now part of our group.

We don’t want this new airport in Tarras, or anywhere for that matter. It’s not Christchurch Airport’s business to impose this on Central Otago, or indeed New Zealand.

Let’s stop this.